
Women: Recognizing our Value, We take Back our Power!

¨Women belong to all places where decisions are made “ Ruth Bader Ginsburg The role of women in society has changed dramatically in the last 100 years. Nowadays, almost globally, women’s conditions in terms of education and their inclusion in the workforce have drastically improved. However, it is important to remember that gender equity is […]

Post-covid: what if firefighters had the solution?

Written by Laurence de Fontenay and Emelina Corrales According to some analysts, the post-covid recession is likely to be at least more than 5 times bigger than 2009. This is massive! When companies start huge restructurings, they will trigger the vicious cycle: unemployment, bankruptcies, more unemployment…  Some companies lost almost all their business in the […]

Una evolución podría ser el resultado de esta crisis, ¡depende de nosotros!

Escrito por: Emelina Corrales y Laurence de Fontenay Durante esta crisis, es crucial detenerse, respirar profundamente y concentrarse en lo esencial de nuestras vidas. Sugerimos algunas ideas para configurar: – Enumerar nuestras prioridades en la vida. A menudo, la salud, la familia, el amor son más importantes que nuestra actividad profesional. Necesitamos nuestro trabajo para […]

Ideas para Padres de Esther Montmany

Este BLOG fue escrito por Esther Montmany, Muchas Gracias !! Queridas familias, Mi nombre es Esther Montmany. Durante más de veinte años he estado investigando y poniendo en práctica maneras de relacionarnos desde el respeto con l@s que están creciendo a nuestro lado y a quién tan profundamente amamos. He ido comprendiendo qué es lo […]

Evolution can be the end result of crisis, it’s up to us! !

Written by: Emelina Corrales and Laurence de Fontenay In this moment of crisis, it is crucial to make a stop, take a deep breath and focus on the essential in our lives. Here are some tips to start with:   List our priorities in life. In many cases, health, family, love are more important than […]

At work , To be or not to be?

  Laurence de Fontenay and Emelina Corrales A company or an institution is a system with its own culture made by rules, published policies or non-communicated expected behaviours. Although created by humans, the company system has its own life and is willing to maintain homeostasis. Which means as soon as you input a new behaviour […]

Coaching versus Therapy

Life coaching has some fundamental differences with psychotherapy, which are important to understand when choosing a professional to support you.

Systemic thinking: a key to coaching effectiveness

First of all, we need to understand what a system is? a set of people or things functioning as one, as parts of a mechanism or a network; we can understand it as complex whole. In our life as individuals we are all part of multiple systems: a company, a team, a family, a group of friends, a couple…

What is the systemic theory?

The systemic theory makes possible to consider each object in its interaction with a whole of which it forms part. A company, a team, a life story is an (eco)system that must be approached as such in order to grasp its complexity, mechanism, balances and evolutionary potentials.

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