Evolution can be the end result of crisis, it’s up to us! !

Escrito por: Emelina Corrales

Written by: Emelina Corrales and Laurence de Fontenay

In this moment of crisis, it is crucial to make a stop, take a deep breath and focus on the essential in our lives. Here are some tips to start with:


  • List our priorities in life. In many cases, health, family, love are more important than our professional activity. We need a job to support the essential, but it cannot be the final objective of our life. 
  • Take care of our physical needs and the needs of our beloved ones: Eating well as we have enough time to cook. Exercising every day at home and going for a walk following the right behavior to avoid any contamination. It will allow our body and mind to be healthy enough to overcome social isolation and in case of getting sick, the body will be strong enough to develop the virus in a mild form.
  • Take care of our emotional needs: first listen deeply to our emotions and give them space. When we need to communicate our difficulties, it is important to do it in a loving  and compassionate way, bearing in mind that our family goes through the same crisis. This will help us reconcile and create a healthy atmosphere at home. 
  • Focus attention on some positive aspects of this forced retreat that we might not have anticipated. Spend quality time with your children and reconnect with them; this is also a difficult moment for them. Rethink consummation we realize we do not need so much. Spring clean our house might also clean our spirit and help us go back to the essential. 
  • Develop our inner world, nourished by what we put inside our minds (television, movies, news…) triggering specific emotions like anxiety and fear. It is very important to allow some time free of news every day. Being present and concentrating ourselves on work or specific activities creates space for positive pictures, ideas and thoughts so that joy, love, solidarity and compassion can arise.


In this uncertain period of time, doing things in a different way can make a huge difference in our lives. In a crisis, we can decide to develop the best of ourselves as Albert Einstein mentioned: “creativity comes from anxiety as the day comes from the dark night”.

The ideas above are mainly designed for those who are stuck at home.

We are conscious that there are people who are currently working all day long to keep the population healthy. In the coming days, we will offer free coaching support to specific public like HR people and healthcare givers,  (Spanish, English and French). You can contact us by email.

